explicit knowledge, sharing outputs of the conference "The Futures of Europeans in the Global Knowledge Society", Louvain-la-Neuve, 13-14 April, 2005; to be prepared for the Latvian Council of Science


New ideas on how to structure Foresight capabilities in Europe

April 14, Closing Plenary Session

Patrice Laget, Head of the SERA Unit (Support to the ERA) - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies - IPTS (Sevilla) Contribution of JRC-IPTS to the structuring of Foresight capabilities

Use of Foresight to support (RTDI) policy formulation

The FOR-LEARN project is carried out by DG JRC-IPTS on behalf of European Commission DG Research. The aim of FOR-LEARN is to support mutual learning among foresight managers, practitioners, users and stakeholders in Europe
It is part of one of the core activities on Foresight carried out by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme which is to establish a European Foresight Knowledge Sharing Platform (KSP). The KSP is implemented by DG Research and aims at better interconnecting and supporting foresight programmes, initiatives and institutions in close co-operation with all relevant actors in Europe.

Develop an Online Foresight Guide
Set-up a system to support Foresight practitioners
Organise events to share and consolidate the Foresight knowledge base

JRC-IPTS contributes to the structuring of Foresight capabilities through:
Supports codification of knowledge, learning, knowledge sharing Foresight
Supports the creation of a knowledge base on FTA (Future-oriented technology analyses)
Analysis on the evolution of methodologies and processes


The FORESIGHT MONITORING NETWORK (EFMN) is one of a coordinated series of initiatives by the European Commission to support the professional development of foresight practitioners in Europe called the FORESIGHT KNOWLEDGE SHARING PLATFORM.

EFMN provides support to policy professionals by monitoring and analyzing foresight activities across the European Union, its neighbours and the world.

The European Techno-Economic Policy Support Network (ETEPS)

The purposes of ETEPS are (1) to do scientific research on the interdependencies between science, technology, economy and society, with a focus on foresight and evaluation; (2) to develop and use scientific models, data and other related tools to improve the scientific understanding of European Science & Technology related policy issues; (3) to take appropriate actions to disseminate the knowledge thus gained.

For these purposes, ETEPS shall through its members’ staff execute projects, organise conferences and seminars and publish the relevant scientific results of its research. It shall also promote and facilitate collaborative action to fulfil these purposes.

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