- Nākotnes studiju darba grupa
- Latvia towards Knowledge Societies of Europe (LNELS project)
- Latvian Council of Science
- The Millennium project, Global Futures studies & Research
- Finland Futures Academy
- Futuribles
- Institut Jules-Destrée
- Z_punkt Foresight company
- the Lisbon strategy
- European Commission, Foresight
- European Commission, Research
- FP7 approval process
- The Sixth Framework Program
- VII. Bled Forum on Europe, 2006
- Photo Gallery
explicit knowledge, sharing outputs of the conference "The Futures of Europeans in the Global Knowledge Society", Louvain-la-Neuve, 13-14 April, 2005; to be prepared for the Latvian Council of Science
For the Forward Studies Unit (Latvia), Handbook of Knowledge Society Foresight provides the basis of "new thinking and learning systems" issues
Source: Euforia project, European Knowledge Society Foresight - a Handbook of Methodology
April 13,
Futures Research and Foresight Methods
Christian Svanfeldt, European Commission, DG Research, Directorate K, Unit Science and Technology Foresight (Brussels)
for Foresight Actions
in the Regions
UPGRADE Foresight strategy and actions to assist regions of traditional industry towards a more knowledge-based community (pdf format) Building the Future on Knowledge, Dissemination conference, Brussels, September 23, 2004
We recognise six essential elements in any foresight
exercise - whatever its scale (ie, single issue,
industry sector, territorial programme) – that
every foresight planner should take into account:
Element (A) Securing commitment and clarity
Element (B) Gathering knowledge and resources
Element (C) Applying foresight methodologies
Element (D) Designing practical applications
Element (E) Managing the regional programme
After the presentation, serious discussions on attitude (positive or often non-supportive) of National Governments to Futures, Foresight research and their outcomes in Europe, New Member States of the EU, and in Russia.
Source: Euforia project, European Knowledge Society Foresight - a Handbook of Methodology
April 13,
Futures Research and Foresight Methods
Christian Svanfeldt, European Commission, DG Research, Directorate K, Unit Science and Technology Foresight (Brussels)
for Foresight Actions
in the Regions
UPGRADE Foresight strategy and actions to assist regions of traditional industry towards a more knowledge-based community (pdf format) Building the Future on Knowledge, Dissemination conference, Brussels, September 23, 2004
We recognise six essential elements in any foresight
exercise - whatever its scale (ie, single issue,
industry sector, territorial programme) – that
every foresight planner should take into account:
Element (A) Securing commitment and clarity
Element (B) Gathering knowledge and resources
Element (C) Applying foresight methodologies
Element (D) Designing practical applications
Element (E) Managing the regional programme
After the presentation, serious discussions on attitude (positive or often non-supportive) of National Governments to Futures, Foresight research and their outcomes in Europe, New Member States of the EU, and in Russia.