- Nākotnes studiju darba grupa
- Latvia towards Knowledge Societies of Europe (LNELS project)
- Latvian Council of Science
- The Millennium project, Global Futures studies & Research
- Finland Futures Academy
- Futuribles
- Institut Jules-Destrée
- Z_punkt Foresight company
- the Lisbon strategy
- European Commission, Foresight
- European Commission, Research
- FP7 approval process
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- VII. Bled Forum on Europe, 2006
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explicit knowledge, sharing outputs of the conference "The Futures of Europeans in the Global Knowledge Society", Louvain-la-Neuve, 13-14 April, 2005; to be prepared for the Latvian Council of Science
Evolving systems and communities
WFS Futures Research Quarterly
"Futures research encompasses both an evolving philosophy and a range of techniques (Mental and material - A.P). Its primary objective is to assist decision-makers to understand better the potential consequences of present and future decisions by developing images of alternative futures."1
evolving philosophy and a range of techniques
developing images of alternative futures
Professor Robert S. Houghton
"The term community applies to a community of one (the community of interacting thoughts in one's own head) and to the communities of larger numbers of interacting people (within a classroom, work team, or state or nation, etc.)."2
"Futures research encompasses both an evolving philosophy and a range of techniques (Mental and material - A.P). Its primary objective is to assist decision-makers to understand better the potential consequences of present and future decisions by developing images of alternative futures."1
evolving philosophy and a range of techniques
developing images of alternative futures
Professor Robert S. Houghton
"The term community applies to a community of one (the community of interacting thoughts in one's own head) and to the communities of larger numbers of interacting people (within a classroom, work team, or state or nation, etc.)."2